the path to meaningful community
Whether this is your first step on the path to following Jesus or you’re looking for deeper community, you’ll find helpful next steps below.
We’re glad you’re here.
Whether this is your first step on the path to following Jesus or you’re looking for deeper community, you’ll find helpful next steps below.
We’re glad you’re here.
As Jesus walked from place to place, he had one simple invitation, “Follow me!” That invitation is still there for us today. And its for anyone who is willing to accept it. When we read the Scriptures, we see that Jesus hung out with all types of people. His closest friends were people many wouldn’t want to be around. This means there is room for all of us at his table.
It doesn’t matter what your background is, where you are from, rich or poor, educated or uneducated nor any other labels we use to describe ourselves and others. Jesus is inviting you to join him, whether you are a person of strong faith, have no experience with religion or you fall somewhere in between.
Over two thousand years later, billions of people from countless different cultures and backgrounds have found life, joy, peace, hope, and salvation by placing their faith and their trust in Jesus, the man they called “Son of God.”
Jesus’ life, death and resurrection changes the world and his mission still continues through those who follow him empowered by his Holy Spirit.
Following Jesus is not just about getting to go to Heaven some day off in the future or avoiding hell. Its about experiencing the abundant life today. You may even feel like you are living in hell right now. We often try so hard to take control of our own lives and live it under our own power. But it was never meant to be this way. By handing control of our lives to Jesus now, we can experience a life of meaning, a life of purpose, a life of peace.
If you are ready to connect with the One who loves you most and best, to turn over the guilt of every mistake and every regret to the One who can forgive you, to experience peace and joy and life that can never be taken away from you, then it all begins by simply saying “yes,” not to a religion, but to a relationship with the living God. If you want to learn more about getting started as a follower of Jesus, this video can help you with your decision, one of our pastors can meet you in person and talk with you about your questions and about making this most important decision in your life.
Let someone know by clicking the link above or simply come to the welcome area after a worship service.
If you have never been baptized with water, we encourage you to take this step after making a decision to place your faith and trust in Jesus. Baptism is one of the most important spiritual milestones in your life. The sacrament of baptism illustrates the burial and resurrection of Jesus and the new life that we have in Christ. It is an outward and visible sign of an inward grace. Baptism does not make a person a Christian because it celebrates what God has given us, not what we will give to God. It is a once-in-a-life event that we spend the rest of our lives living into.
As a United Methodist congregation, we celebrate both infant baptism and adult “believer” baptism because we see a biblical witness and recognize a tradition throughout the history of the church for both. When we baptize infants and young children, it is an expression of God’s grace that is at work in the life of every human being, including young children, even before we’re aware of it, constantly drawing us into a relationship with God.
For people who have recommitted their lives to Christ and have already been baptized, we celebrate a renewal of baptism instead of re-baptizing. This is because God’s promise to us remains valid, even when we turn away from God.
Covenant Membership means you join with others in our faith community in a covenant to partner with them in prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Covenant Membership is not required at our church in order to participate or serve in any of our ministries
All Christ-followers who call CMUMC their spiritual home are invited to pray about joining our community. If you are new to the church, we encourage you to spend a while getting to know us to see if membership is the next right step for you.
If you have never before been baptized, we will celebrate your baptism before or when you join the church.
Children who are baptized at CMUMC are “preparatory members” and become full members when they complete our confirmation class called “Discovery,” which happens when they reach 7th grade.
If you are new to the area and previously belonged to a United Methodist church, we invite you to attend the membership class to learn what is unique about Connell Memorial and how you can serve and grow in our community before we transfer your membership.
When you’re ready to join, the membership class is offered several times a year.
A Spiritual Gifts Assessment helps individuals identify their God-given gifts for living faithfully as Christian disciples day by day and find meaningful ways to use their gifts in connection with others through the community of faith. The process helps people understand the nature of spiritual gifts and ways to enhance the effectiveness of their gifts by linking together with others.
Looking to build authentic relationships with people who have similar interests? Why not join a connect group? Enjoy a sense of community and grow spiritually as you seek transformational life change.
Most of our groups meet on Sunday morning in our church facilities. However, groups can meet at different times and places and on different days.
Get plugged in at CMUMC and make new friends by serving and volunteering! We have great opportunities for you to jump in and help out. We believe every human being is a child of God and person of worth, uniquely created and gifted and called by God to serve and care for others.
God has been so faithful to us so we love to give back to him by giving through the church.